Medición de Sistemas de Información

The 2nd edition of the book "Medición de Sistemas de Información", edited by AQCLab and the Alarcos Research Group of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, is now available.

Medición de Sistemas de Información, authored by Mario Piattini and Félix García, provides a current and complete overview of different aspects of measurement (concepts, standards, metrics, implementation methodologies, etc.), which can be applied to projects, services, processes or software products.

Measurement is fundamental for quality. For this reason, throughout this book, scientific rigour has been combined with practical experience, detailing how measurement aspects are addressed in various standards, techniques, models, methodologies, etc., such as: ISO 9000 standards; Six Sigma; software quality models related to people, such as PSP, TSP or CMMI-PPL; process quality models, such as CMMI, ISO/IEC 29110 or ISO/IEC 33000; or software product quality models, such as ISO/IEC 25000 or CISQ.

In this second edition, all the standards and metrics related to software quality have been updated, including new proposals and results in this field.

You can purchase the book on Amazon, both as a Kindle version and as a softcover print edition.


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